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Lettuce Eat Cake

I am just in love with this sweet little bunny!

The carrots are made from fondant with a sprinkle of luster dust (an edible sparkling powder) to give it that dewy “fresh from the garden” look. For a more “down on the farm” effect I would have dusted them with cocoa powder for dirt, instead of glitter.

The lettuce is made from gumpaste, which is fondant with an ingredient that makes it dry much harder so that it can be made to be thinner and hold more detail. So this lettuce holds its crispness even better than the real thing. In this plastic crate (used to form leaves and round shapes) it almost looks like a little hydroponic garden.

The baby rose buds, coordinating table runner, and partyware set off this cake beautifully!


Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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