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Honeybee Bakeshop- Tucson Edition


This was a quiet week, baking-wise, because I was in Arizona celebrating at a dear friend’s wedding. Laura and Rob got hitched in Tucson and surprised their guests with SIX wedding cakes. Since I am huge fan of the cake table, I enjoyed it immensely and now have a great shared memory of my friends sitting around our table at the reception and passing all of the cake flavors, which we devoured one forkful at a time. Sometimes, it takes a village!


I took some time on the plane to work on designs for the 2011 National Capital Area Cake Show! March is right around the corner. ;-)

NOTE: Thank you for the emails, but no, I did not bake all of these cakes! With these crazy new airline regulations I couldn’t take my oven on the plane. Plus there is this whole issue of fondant containing glycerin and showing up like C-4 in an x-ray… and it is a whole mess. So I just helped to decorate, stack, and pretty-ify everything. But since I like the idea a whole lot I thought it was worth posting.

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