Any fans of Dinner Impossible out there? Chef Robert Irvine is challenged to create a banquet under extreme conditions. Often, a client pops in to wage a special request and really shakes up the kitchen. On the Sesame Place episode, our dear little friend Elmo declares “I Like Shapes” and viola— all of the foods is served as circles, squares and triangles. This challenge was transferred to my kitchen.
Here we have a circle cake decorated with a parade of friends and some magical geometry. The cupcakes (more circles!) create a shape explosion! The birthday boy isn’t quite old enough to recognize them all yet, but soon, he will be able to comtmplate the magic too.
For now, he will just have to contemplate why his afternoon snack was on fire. So weird.
We didn’t have smash cakes when I was a kid and I am kind of jealous. This little treat is given to the baby for smashing, smearing, dropping, and generally going crazy.
Step 1: finger in the frosting.
Step 2: frosting to mouth
Step 3: clap
Step 4: two handed cake grab
Step 5: smear cake on face and ingest as much cake as possible before being assaulted with a wet washcloth
When properly executed, it should look something like this.
Very cool cakes! I’m sure the birthday boy appreciated them!