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New look!

You may have noticed that something is a little different around here… A HUGE thank you to Erin, for an amazing overhaul of the blog with a pretty new color palette. Have fun with our new accessories– I know I am! Leave some comments and let us know what you like, and bear with us while the tweaking and polishing happens.

More surprises to come later this week when I head to Chicago for the 2009 ICES Convention. A whole convention center of cake demos, classes and shopping?! Be still my heart.

Posted in Announcements.

3 Responses

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  1. Stephen Elliot says

    I dig the new look! Good work, my friends!

  2. Cheryl says

    The site looks great! I hope you have so much fun at the cake show.

  3. Melanie L. says

    The new look is fantastic! Job well done, Ladies.

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