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Baby Shower (Giant) Cupcake

Baby Shower Cake

June 2008

To celebrate the arrival of the Steele twins we had a farm-themed baby shower with lots of cows, sheep, and bunnies. I was excited to use my new GIANT cupcake pan which was a very thoughtful birthday present. It seemed like a big cake and lots of “baby” cupcakes was an appropriate route for this one.

We selected pink, cream and brown for the color scheme which paved an express path to strawberries and chocolate!

Cake Details:

  • Cake: Strawberry (Modified Cake Mix)
  • Icing: Vanilla Buttercream
  • Decorations: Bottom- Fondant covered to replicate the cupcake paper and create the pink flowers.
  • Decorations: Top- Tinted Vanilla Buttercream, Hand-piped Chocolate Animals, Fondant Daisies on floral wire (sticking out of the top)

Cupcake Details:

  • Cake: White vanilla cake mix
  • Icing: Vanilla Buttercream (in white and soft pink)
  • Decorations: Hand-piped chocolate animals, fondant flowers
  • Cupcake Papers: Various Pink(s) and Brown Polka-dots (source: Martha Stewart Collection)

Photo source: Andrea (Thanks!)

Posted in Celebration Cakes, Cupcakes.

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One Response

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  1. bobbinoggin says

    this is GORGEOUS! i’m suddenly inspired to change directions w/ my daughter’s birthday cake. :)

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