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Christmas Treats

Christmas Treats: Rumballs and Chocolate Pretzels

December 2007

The return of winter is also the return of rumballs! Cookies are festive, and pretty, and nice, but I’ll take a rumball any day. Chocolate, cookies, walnuts, and coconut rum, all wrapped up in sparkly sugar… yes, please.

Since rb’s are a tad “strong” (I apparently mix my treats like I mix my drinks) they pair well with chocolate covered pretzels.

Brilliantly simple to make, these are assembled by placing a Hershey kiss on top of a pretzel, letting it get “smooshy” for 2-3 minutes in a 350 degree oven, and then squishing down the points with a festive m&m. The kiss holds just enough chocolate to fill in all of the nooks and crannies.

This year m&m got extra creative with their flavor combinations: cherry cordial, mint truffle, special dark, hot chocolate truffle, etc. The traditional mint kiss was the real winner, but after some careful experimentation I endorse traditional chocolate and mint truffle (after a zap in the freezer).

This batch was expertly constructed by Erin using special dark and mint truffle kisses with dark chocolate m&m’s. Aren’t her co-workers lucky?

Then the pretzels and rumballs get bagged up in cello with extra m&ms (which need to vacate my home a.s.a.p.) and are ready for gifting to hostesses, co-workers, and others to whom you wish holiday cheer.

Happy Holidays!

Posted in Cookies, Friend's Creations.

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