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Lingerie Cake 2

Lingerie Cake 2

December 2007

This lingerie cake is so much fun! This one celebrated a wedding shower with a cranberry theme. I wasn’t sure what color to use for accents, so I went “Jackie O” and matched it to the room where it was being served. (”Did you know?” fact of the day: Jackie Kennedy’s advance team noted the color of the rooms she and the President would be photographed in so that her clothes would match appropriately and not clash.)

Cake Details:

  • Cake: Triple layer (tall cake) in chocolate
  • Filling: Raspberry preserves and vanilla buttercream
  • Icing: Vanilla buttercream
  • Decorations: Fondant, sugarpaste flower accents, and tinted buttercream
  • New toys used: Ruffle tip 401

Since it was a triple layer cake I had a little more room on the side to add a pair of panties and complete the ensemble.

Congratulations Kathleen!

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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