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Fields of… Purple

Fields of… Purple

June 2007

Sharon loves purple. Lots and lots of purple. So for her birthday I did a lush ring of purple star-flowers in whipped cream icing that I was hoping would fare well in this humidity. (I skipped the butter cream because of the weather.)

Inside, the cake is dense chocolate with black raspberry preserves and chocolate shavings as filling. I like to use all fruit as a filling to keep it from getting too sweet with all of that icing.

I originally intended to make a nice dainty ring of flower buds, but the whipped icing made such lovely / lively meringue spikes that I just shined ‘em up with a little sugar. To give the white space more personality I gave it a good dusting of sanding sugar sparkles in pink, purple and green with a big decorative “S” for Ms. Sharon herself.

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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